National Reyes Syndrome Foundation
A registered 501(c)3 charity whose mission is to eradicate the incidence of Reye's Syndrome
In 1974, the National Reye's Syndrome Foundation, a health advocacy organization, was incorporated as a 501(c)3 charity, whose mission is to eradicate the incidence of Reye's Syndrome.
NRSF Programs:
Awareness - to aid in the early detection of Reye's Syndrome, and to educate the public and medical communities about the risk factor involved with the use of aspirin. To conduct awareness programs, the NRSF has brochures, bulletins, television and radio public service announcements, documentary and video/DVD presentations, widgets, blidgets, an App, websites and a blog.
Service - to give the families experiencing the personal trauma of Reye's Syndrome emotional support and guidance.
Research - to support investigation into the cause, management, treatment, and prevention of Reye's Syndrome, as well as study the impact the disease has had on survivors.