What is Reye's Syndrome?
Reye's Syndrome, a deadly disease, strikes swiftly and can attack any child, teen, or adult without warning. All body organs are affected with the liver and brain suffering most seriously. While the cause and cure remain unknown, research has established a link between Reye's Syndrome and the use of aspirin and other salicylate containing medications, over the counter products, and topical use products.
Reye's Syndrome is a two-phase illness because it is almost always associated with a previous viral infection such as influenza (flu), cold, or chicken pox. Scientists do know that Reye's Syndrome is not contagious and the cause is unknown. Reye's Syndrome is often misdiagnosed as encephalitis, meningitis, diabetes, drug overdose, poisoning, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or psychiatric illness.
Reye's Syndrome tends to appear with greatest frequency during January, February, and March when influenza is most common. Cases are reported in every month of the year. An epidemic of flu or chicken pox is commonly followed by an increase in the number of cases of Reye's Syndrome.
When Reye's Syndrome develops, it typically occurs when a person is beginning to recover from a viral illness.
Abnormal accumulations of fat begin to develop in the liver and other organs of the body, along with a severe increase of pressure in the brain. Unless diagnosed and treated successfully, death is common, often within a few days, and even a few hours. A person's life depends upon early diagnosis. Statistics indicate an excellent chance of recovery when Reye's Syndrome is diagnosed and treated in its earliest stages. The later the diagnosis and treatment, the more severely reduced are the chances for successful recovery and survival.
Stage 1 Symptoms
Persistent or continuous vomiting
Signs of brain dysfunction:
Loss of pep and energy
Stage 2 Symptoms
Personality changes:
Aggressive behavior
Stage 3 Symptoms
Irrational behavior
Stage 4 Symptoms
NOTE: The symptoms of Reye's Syndrome in infants do not follow a typical pattern. For example, vomiting may be replaced with diarrhea and infants may display irregular breathing.
Suspect Reye's in an Infant with:
Diarrhea, but not necessarily vomiting
Respiratory disturbances such as hyperventilation or apneic episodes, seizures and hypoglycemia are common
Elevated SGOT-SGPT (SAT-ACT) [usually 200 or more units] in the absence of jaundice
Reye's Syndrome should be suspected in a person if this pattern of symptoms appear during, or most commonly, after a viral illness. Not all of the symptoms have to occur, nor do they have to be displayed in this order. Fever is not usually present. Many diseases have symptoms in common. Physicians and medical staff in emergency rooms who have not had experience in treating Reye's Syndrome may misdiagnose the disease.
Suspect Reye's in a Patient with:
Unexpected vomiting following any viral illness such as a flu-like upper respiratory infection or chicken pox (usually no diarrhea)
Elevated SGOT-SGPT (SAT-ACT) [usually 200 or more units] in the absence of jaundice
Signs of disturbed brain function characterized by:
Agitated delirium
Drug reaction-like behavior
Extensor spasms
Decerebrate rigidity
Aspirin poisoning-like symptoms
For Early Diagnosis:
Vomiting, think Reye's
Elevated blood NH3
Hypoglycemia and hepatomegaly may be present
Differential Diagnosis:
Drug Overdose
Sudden Infant Death
Toxic Ingestion
Head Trauma
Renal or Hepatic Failure
Reye's is often mistaken for the diagnosis listed above, so encourage your doctor to look twice and to consider ruling out Reye's!
Initial Treatment:
10% Glucose in maintenance salt solution
Maintain airway and brain oxygen
Consult a teaching hospital or children's hospital